
(up to parent directory)

readme-v1-06.txt (4KB)


This is the readme file for the ATEAM final climate data set, version 1.06.
Tim Mitchell, last modified 4th August 2003 

Changes from v1.05
1.There was an error in scenarios.txt, affecting only PCM B2 and B1 scenarios.
  Incorrect global temperatures (3.070 and 2.521) had been (it seems)
  duplicated from HadCM3, instead of the correct values (1.894 and 1.541)
  being supplied. The effect was to reduce the size of the climate changes.i
2.It is now possible to unpack without using the supplied fortran software. See:

Changes from v1.04
ateamunpack.f90 (and ateamunpack_pik.f)
ateamseqgrim.f90 (and ateamseqgrim_pik.f)
These file changes were necessary to correct an obscure error in the unpacking
procedure, which only occurred if the period 2070-99 was not included in the period
to be unpacked. v1.04 can still be used ONLY if the period 2070-99 is included in
the period to be unpacked. v1.05 produces an identical data-set to v1.04, but
unpacks the data-set correctly even when the period 2070-99 is not included in the
period to be unpacked. Note that both the above program files must be replaced and recompiled
for the data to be unpacked correctly.  

Changes from v1.03:
ateamunpack.f90 altered at lines 227, 229 (now detects impossible values correctly)
obs.1901-2000.cld: impossible values removed
ateam.iavar.1901-2000.cld: rebuilt from corrected obs.1901-2000.cld 

Changes from v1.02:
only files altered: obs.1901-2000.cld, ateam.iavar.1901-2000.cld
(errors due to treatment of an octas file as a percentage file)

Scenarios included:
1. observations (1901-2000) for all 5 variables (the CRU TS 1.2 data-set)
2. SRES scenarios (all 4) for four GCMs for all 5 variables
3. natural variability scenario (1901-2100) for all 5 variables

The full data-set is sub-divided into three sub-directories:
data - contains all the raw data files
compaq - contains the fortran routines used to unpack the raw
         data files into the scenarios
xlf - contains alternative versions of the fortran routines,
         for use on the PIK machines

You will find downloading the files easier if you use the archive*
files, which collect some of the main file sets into archives. If you
follow this recommendation, all you need to download is:
./compaq/archive* (only one of the fortran subdirectories is required)
If you do not follow this recommendation, you will need to download
everything except the archive* files.

For reference, I archived thus:
pax -w files > archive
The files can be restored thus:
pax -ru < archive
Many of the files will require decompression with 'compress'.

You may either use the supplied fortran software, or unpack yourself using
  the information at http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/~timm/grid/algorithm.html

How to unpack the basic files into scenario files:
A. transfer the entire contents of the subdirectories onto a Unix machine
B. uncompress all files with .Z suffices (uncompress [filename])
C. compile the *seqgrim* program (on the home Unix system - see file headers):
D. compile the *unpack* program (on the home Unix system - see file headers):
E. copy the executables across to the data directory
F. run the *unpack* program (which itself calls the *seqgrim* program)
The software supplied should not be altered. Any alterations will risk altering 
the process of unpacking the basic files.

readme* = this file
scenarios.txt = vital instructions file for software to read - do NOT alter!
*.f90 and *.f = software for unpacking the basic files into 21st century scenario 
		files, under Compaq (.f90) or xlf (.f) compiler
*.2080s.ateam.* = response patterns for 2070-2099 (basic files)
*-*.ann = time-series of global temperature change (basic files)
ateam.iavar* = inter-annual variability from 1901-2000 (basic files, nat-var files)
obs* = 1961-90 climatology (basic files)
min.???.ann = minimum legitimate value (basic files)
max.???.ann = maximum legitimate value (basic files)

The CRU TS 1.2 is a companion data-set to TYN SC 1.0. It consists of grids
of observed data for 1901-2000 in the same format.