UEA ENV Climatic Research Unit Climate Data Pressure & Circulation

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Mediterranean Oscillation Indices (MOI)
with Saharan Oscillation Index (SaOI)
and Western Mediterranean Oscillation (WeMOI)

The MOI is defined by Palutikof et al. (1996) and Conte et al. (1989) as the normalized pressure difference between Algiers (36.4°N, 3.1°E) and Cairo (30.1°N, 31.4°E) A second version of the index can be calculated from Gibraltar's Northern Frontier (36.1°N, 5.3°W) and Lod Airport in Israel (32.0°N, 34.5°E) (Palutikof et al., 2003). Here data is presented for both variants, using pressure interpolated (16 point Bessel) from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data.

Please do not ask for monthly MOI data: it is ambiguous, as it can be calculated in different ways. If you need monthly MOI then feel free to calculate it from the daily data presented here.

Note that early NCEP data (1948-1967) has a problem relating to SLP (archived copy of notice), this will affect derived products such as the MOI indices.
Note that the previous versions (1958 to 2010) did not include leap year days (29/02) for 2004 and 2008 due to a fault in the programs. This has been corrected for the updated files.

When using the MOI, please cite:

Conte, M., Giuffrida, A., and Tedesco, S. (1989) The Mediterranean Oscillation. Impact on precipitation and hydrology in Italy. Publications of the Academy of Finland, Helsinki

Palutikof, J.P., Conte, M., Casimiro Mendes, J., Goodess, C.M., Espirito Santo, F. (1996) Climate and climate change. In: Brandt, C.J., Thornes, J.B., (eds) Mediterranean desertification and land use. John Wiley and Sons, London

Palutikof, J.P. (2003) Analysis of Mediterranean climate data: measured and modelled. In: Bolle, H.J. (ed): Mediterranean climate: Variability and trends. Springer-Verlag, Berlin

The Saharan Oscillation Index (SaOI) is defined by Khomsi et al. (2020) as the difference between the normalized pressures at the Azores (37.79° N, -25.5° E) and Niamey (13.51° N, 2.10° E). It is calculated based on the sea level pressure data provided by the ERA5 reanalysis accessible in the Climate Data Store from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) (CDS; https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/#!/search?text=ERA5&type=dataset).

We present two sets of the SaOI data: - Daily data as used in (Khomsi et al., 2020) between 2013 and 2016; - Daily data calculated between 1950 and 2021. When using the SaOI, please cite:

Khomsi, K., Najmi, H., Chelhaoui, Y., Souhaili, Z. (2020) The contribution of large-scale atmospheric patterns to pm10 pollution: The new saharan oscillation index. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 20 10.4209/aaqr.2019.08.0401

More information about the Western MOI data (WeMOi) may be found here.

Users of WeMOi should cite:

Martin-Vide J. Lopez-Bustins JA. (2006) The Western Mediterranean Oscillation and rainfall in the Iberian Peninsula. International Journal of Climatology 26, 1455-1475. doi: 10.1002/joc.1388

moi1.output.dat MOI: Algiers and Cairo
1948 to 2022, one line per day, format (f5.0, 2f3.0, f7.3) year, month, day, value
Missing values represented by -99.99
moi2.output.dat MOI: Israel and Gibraltar
1948 to 2022, one line per day, format (f5.0, 2f3.0, f7.3) year, month, day, value
Missing values represented by -99.99
SaOI(1950-2022).txt SaOI: Azores and Niamey
one line per day, with year, month, day SaOI (separated by tabs). 1 header line.
Missing values represented by -99.99
SaOI(2013-2016).txt SaOI: Azores and Niamey
one line per day, with year, month, day SaOI (separated by tabs). 1 header line.
Missing values represented by -99.99
Web_WeMOi-2020.txt WeMOi: Padua and Cadiz, monthly
one line per year, with year plus 12 monthly values (tab-separated). 11 header lines.
Missing values represented by -999

The previous monthly index is still available to allow comparisons to be made:

Monthly MOI (deprecated)
moac.dat MOI: Algiers and Cairo, 1958-2000
one line per month, format (i4,i3,f7.2) year, month, value
Missing values represented by -99.99
moig.dat MOI: Israel and Gibraltar, 1958-2000
one line per month, format (i4,i3,f7.2) year, month, value
Missing values represented by -99.99


These datasets are made available under the Open Database License. Any rights in individual contents of the datasets are licensed under the Database Contents License under the conditions of Attribution and Share-Alike.

Please use the attribution Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia

Updated: November 2023, Ian Harris